A Note on Gradings
"We learn aikido so that we can study aikido." - someone wise, probably
Aikido gradings offer a system to support the student's learning and study of aikido.
It brings structure to the ongoing routine of regular training, and a framework against which training progress may be demonstrated.
The requirements outlined in the kyu grading syllabus will encourage the student to pay particular attention to the required elements (or details) during training, as they prepare for their next grading.
The syllabus gives aikido training a focus and structure, which in turn informs the student's further study of aikido as they continue their training and progress through dan gradings.
Kyu gradings
Kyu gradings represent the rote learning phase of aikido practice. Consequently, both the grading requirements (i.e. techniques) and technical requirements are quite specific.
The typical proceedings of kyu gradings are as follows:
The grading panel will ask candidates to demonstrate any new techniques listed on the syllabus, and a selection of techniques from previous gradings.
Candidates will be required to present as both uke and nage, so that they have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of both uke and nage's roles in the execution of an aikido technique.
Dan gradings
Dan gradings are an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate an understanding of the more fundamental aspects of aikido. There is not an extensive list of new techniques; however, a candidate should be fluent with the techniques listed in the kyu grading syllabus.
Shodan: Candidates are expected to demonstrate a good knowledge of any/all of the techniques on the kyu grading syllabus. This marks the end of the rote learning phase, and indicates that candidates are now ready to study aikido.
Nidan onwards: Candidates / students have learnt aikido; now, they can study it. These gradings are opportunities for students to show what they have learnt through their ongoing study of aikido.
Requirements for gradings
- Candidates must have completed at least the minimum number of days of training listed on the grading syllabus.
- Candidates must be recommended by a senior aikidoka who must first ensure that the minimum number of days training has been met.
- More importantly, they must also ensure that the candidates understand the requirements listed in the syllabus.
Reading the syllabus
The syllabus lists techniques that are most likely to be asked for at the grading examination.
The syllabus is cumulative.
Particular attention should be paid to the "Desired" elements; all the "Desired" elements are required at the following grading, and should be met for the candidate to pass.